İksir Resort Town is the story of the math professor Mrs İksir Sema Aydın. THIS IS the STORY of the return to her past and her entrepreneurialism.
During her childhood and adult life, İksir Hanım lived far from her native village Daday in Kastamonu because of her father’s official duty. But she always kept her relations with the village and her relatives. She always dreamt of getting back to Daday. Later, she purchased and renovated first the old mansion, called now İksir Hanım Mansion, and built step by step İksir Resort Town facilities with the support of her 2 daughters. Her dream now is to represent Daday and Kastamonu region’s natural beauties, history, local architecture, local arts and manufactures and develop local peoples life quality and also the sustainable agriculture via İksirli Farm.
This childhood dream of İksir hanım has been rewarded by the national Prize of Women entrepreneur in her region of 2014..